Learn About The History of Auto Safety Glass

Windshields were first added to automobiles in 1904. A typical windshield from this generation was a horizontally-divided piece of plate glass, just like the glass used for house windows. When the top half got too dirty to see through, a driver could fold it down and keep going. Another interesting fact about these early windshields is they were sold as upgrades. It wasn't until 1915 that Oldsmobile first offered a vehicle with a windshield that came standard.

As more people began driving, the number of auto accidents increased. Many of these accidents involved windshields. Accidents that involved a driver or passenger going through the windshield were often fatal. While there are varying accounts about exactly what inspired Ford to create a better form of glass, the outcome is that by the end of 1919, the company had figured out how to make laminated glass and started using it for all vehicles.

Ongoing Improvements to Auto Safety Glass

By the 1920s, a number of improvements were being made to auto glass. One was the use of a new urethane glue to bond the glass to the frame. Not only were the laminated windows of this period more secure than their predecessors, but if they broke, they did so in a spider's web pattern instead of splintering into small shards. Two other advantages of the strength of this glass was it kept passengers from being ejected and created more structural integrity for the car if it rolled over.

The main flaw with this improved glass is it didn't age well. That problem was addressed in 1938 by an inventor who patented a glass-clear synthetic resin that did not discolor or brittle over time. By the end of the 1950s, automakers benefited from a reduction in the cost of producing glass. A big milestone of the 1960s was that cars came equipped with improved laminated windshields that could withstand nearly three times the impact of earlier versions. Modern auto safety glass continues to progress, including its ability to filter 95-99% of UV rays.

While today's auto glass is better than ever, it's not immune to damage caused by accidents or a variety of other issues. The good news is if your windshield gets damaged, fixing it doesn't need to be stressful or time-consuming. Instead, all you need to do is call J. Royce Auto Glass at 513-437-6923. With our mobile auto glass services, we can take care of your windshield in just 15 to 45 minutes.  You can also find us at J. Royce Auto Glass.

Blake Evans
J. Royce Auto Glass